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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fluids instead of bypass surgery!

Fluids instead of bypass surgery!
New therapy for heart patients


Am passing on this information from a relative about heart treatment. 

It would be useful for those who need bypass surgery.

Recently, a person was admitted to a well-known nursing home in Pune after severe chest pain.  (He had had an earlier attack in 2012 and was under treatment.) The doctors now suggested angiography.  He was admitted to a multi-specialty hospital.

Doctors here diagnosed multiple blockages for which angioplasty was ruled out and bypass surgery was recommended.

But he was brought home that evening.  Doctors said his heart was very weak. Bypass could be performed only after 10 - 15 days.

The matter was discussed with relatives and close friends.
One of them said a new line of treatment had come into vogue.
It is known as "Chelox therapy, Laser therapy & Chelation Therapy".

What is this therapy? 

A bypass is not necessary. Instead, the patient is given about 30 bottles of IV fluids in which certain medicaments are injected. The medicine cleans the system and removes all blockages from the heart and the arteries. The number of bottles to be given may be more than 30,  depending on the age of the patient and his health.  

The cost per bottle:  around Rs.1300.

Only a few doctors specialize in this therapy right now.
One of them is Dr.Vikrant Laate in Pune.

He says many patients being treated in major hospitals went in for this therapy instead of a bypass surgery.  They are now absolutely fine and leading a normal life.

His contact details:
Dr. Vikrant Laate. Suvish Holistic Wellness Center.
Swargate,  Pune.
Mob: +919970970770,  9975170399.

Patients must naturally consult their doctors before going in for this new line of treatment.