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Friday, September 5, 2014

How to Protect Yourself When You Have Outpatient Surgery

What Might Have Helped Joan Rivers

How to Protect Yourself When You Have Outpatient Surgery
Was it the outpatient surgery that did it?
We send our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Joan Rivers, legendary comedienne who touched our hearts and made us laugh for nearly half a century. Her death at the age of 81 was announced today.

We don't know the details of what happened during the endoscopic procedure that ultimately led to Ms. Rivers' cardiac arrest and death. Normally such procedures have a low risk for complications.

However, even though it may seem less "serious" than surgery done in a hospital, outpatient surgery itself is not to be undertaken lightly.

You can and should take steps to protect yourself, both before and after outpatient surgery. Don't rely only on your doctors to keep you safe. Here's what you must know if you're considering such a procedure...

Outpatient Survival Guide
Before Going to Outpatient Surgery…Read This!
Before Having Surgery at the Doctor's Office
How to Detox from Anesthesia